Fun Challenges to do at Home
These fun challenges have been found by our District Media Team and are there as something fun to do.
We will post the challenges on here as we find them or think of them but don't forget to check our social media for posts about our challenges to post your attempts.
Challenge One
Some of you may have heard of the #NeckieFlip, if you haven't have no fear! Simply click on the #NeckieFlip link and watch some of our District Team and family members show you how its done. Do not be fooled, it took many of us a fair few tries. Something fun for you to do at home.
Challenge Two
Most of us have heard of a friendship knot, well here is your next challenge. Tie a friendship knot into your knecker and time yourself. How fast can you do it? Lets try find the fastest Friendship knot tie in the District.
Games to Play Virtually
Scavenger Hunt (All Sections) Finding objects around the house. We created a list of items we thought every household might have, such as salt, cup, toothbrush etc. However recently to make this more challenging we have been asking the young people to choose an alphabet letter and go find 5 or 6 items beginning with that letter.
Knife, Fork and Spoon (All Sections) Like your typical game of rock, paper, scissors however we use a knife, fork and spoon. You count backwards 3, 2, 1 and the young people hold up either a knife, fork or spoon. If they match with what you have held up then they earn a point. You can continue for as long as you desire.
Stop the Bus (All Sections) The leader chooses a letter of the alphabet and asks the young people to write down the topics; Girls Name, Boys Name, Colour, Fruit, Animal and Country. When you say go the young people have to write down answers using the letter given. When they have finished they shout "Stop the bus" at this point everyone stops and they say their answers. If they have written down answers which are valid they earn a point. You can then play again using another letter. If they have written down something which is incorrect the game continues until you have a winner.
Activities to do Virtually
Morse Code (Activity for Cubs and Scouts) Send the Morse code decipher to the young people via whatsapp or your groups social media page as a post. Create a code you want to crack before the planned activitiy time. Then using either a torch or instruments which make a sound you can create the sounds needed whilst the young people use the morse code decipher to find out your message. I found it helpful to mute them all and make sure I told them when it was the end of each letter. Especially if they are new to morse code. I also told them when it was the end of the word too. Once we had finished our session we asked them to send us a code using the morse code for us to decipher. This helped to check their understanding of the task. This activity links to the Communicator Badge in both sections.
Bird Feeders (Activity for Beavers and Cubs) We did this activity during a zoom meeting. Prior to the meeting (a good few days before) we let the parents know what types of things they may need to make the bird feeders so they had time to find or buy the ingredients. Then during the zoom meeting we made a variety of bird feeders together and put them in our gardens and observed the wildlife that we saw.
Cheerios Feeder - using cheerios or hoops thread them onto pipe cleaners or string and hang in trees or bushes
Toilet roll Feeder - on the empty toilet roll tube spread jam or peanut butter onto the roll. Once you have covered the entire thing roll the roll into some bird seed (the jam and peanut butter will help it to stick). Thread string through the middle and tie to a tree or bush.
Apple Bird feeder - carefully take the core of the apple out (with adult support), then using sunflower seeds carefully push them into the outside of the apple. Once happy with how many sunflowers you have pressed into the apple, place to one side. Next find a stick of about a finger width (storng enough to hold a bird) and tie a piece of string to the middle of the stick to create a perch. Then take your apple and thread your apple so that it sits ontop of the stick. Again tie to a tree, bush or attach to underneath of a bird table.
Plate of fruit - Birds love fruit! don't go out and buy fresh stuff, give them the fruit which is beginning to go off. They love grapes, bananas and apple. Chop them into small pieces and leave them on a plate in a safe space or on a bird table.
This activity links to the Naturalist Badge (Cubs) and Animal Friend (Beavers) to extend this activity to link with the Naturalist (Scout badge) ask them to investigate which animals came to their bird feeders.
Rainbows (Activity for Beavers) This was a easy craft which again take a bit of preparation beforehand to ensure that the parents have the equipment needed beforehand. The instructions can be found on Pinterest
Quiz Night (All sections) This one is simple and easy to do. Either create your own quiz or find a child friendly quiz online. Ask the questions and get them to write the answers down. Once all the quesitons have been asked give the answers and see who got the most correct. For example; quizzes on Scouting, Disney and logos.
Group Story Writing (Cubs) With the Cubs, tell them you are going to write a story together. Designate someone to be the writer (preferabaly an older cub or adult). Ask each Cub and Leader (yes we can join the fun too!) to tell you one word. The aim is to create a story using one word each, so of course it has to make sense. This story only needs to be short and depending on how many young people you have in the meeting depends how many times you go around. Prompt them when you want them to wrap up the story or simply put "to be continued..." and continue the story on another meeting later down the line.
Nature Crowns (Beavers and Cubs)
Mug Cakes (All Sections)